Archive by Author

Orientation Week@UFP 2018-19 (2nd semester)

We welcome the new international students to University Fernando Pessoa! In order to ease your adaptation to the University and your stay in Porto, we prepared some activities that we hope you enjoy – check them below, as well as the dates to meet with the Departmental Coordinators. We strongly encourage international students to attend […]

Welcome Days 2018

We welcome the new international students to University Fernando Pessoa! In order to ease your adaptation to the University and your stay in Porto, we prepared some activities that we hope you enjoy – check them below, as well as the dates to meet with the Departmental Coordinators. We strongly encourage international students to attend […]

UFP’s professor at the International University of Sarajevo

Prof. João Casqueira, coordinator of UFP’s BA in Political Science and International Relations and the MA in Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development was on an Erasmus+ teaching mission at the International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, last May . This mobility was carried out within the framework of the “Project Manager in Humanitarian Action […]