ESNSurvey 2012
NewsExchange: Creating Ideas, Opportunities and Identity. Students who fully complete the online questionnaire at until the 30th of September will have a chance to win a 2 week intensive language course.
Exchange: Creating Ideas, Opportunities and Identity. Students who fully complete the online questionnaire at until the 30th of September will have a chance to win a 2 week intensive language course.
The newsletter of the Portuguese LLP National Agency for June 2012, dedicated to the Erasmus Programme, is available at:
Ana Carvalho, a teacher at UFP’s degree programme in Communication Sciences, has won the 2012 Ernesto de Sousa Scholarship, which will allow the development of a new artistic project at the Experimental Intermedia Foundation (EIF) in New York City, from October to December 2013. The Ernesto de Sousa Scholarship programme is supported by the Luso-American […]
The course will serve to “educate the humanitarians of tomorrow and refresh the humanitarians of today’ in specific areas of Public health in humanitarian programmes.
Concurso para atribuição de duas Bolsas de Investigação no âmbito do Projecto ERA-Eula/0002/2009.