Archive by Author

3rd Erasmus+ Staff Week for Librarians

UFP’s Libraries organized the 3rd Erasmus+ Staff Week for Librarians which took place from 4 to 8 May 2015, with the participation of librarians from other institutions of higher education in Europe. The programme included several activities such as the presentation of the services of the participating libraries, workshops, visits to UFP and landmarks of […]

UFP’s University Hospital = Excellence in Health Care

UFP’s University Hospital = Excellence in Health Care University Fernando Pessoa’s Hospital received the highest rating on the report of the Portuguese Health Evaluation System (Sistema Nacional de Avaliação em Saúde – SINAS), by the Health Regulatory Authority (Entidade Reguladora da Saúde – ERS), confirming the full compliance criteria that ERS considers essential for the […]

UFP students’ work reached the finals of EUROSTAT contest

UFP students’ work reached the finals of EUROSTAT contest Jessica Silva and Rui Silva, UFP students of Communication Sciences, applied with a report to an European contest sponsored by EUROSTAT. The work, developed under the supervision of UFP’s TV Workshop, has been selected for the finals and can be watched and voted for on EUROSTAT’s […]

Concurso Fotográfico – O meu Porto!

Participa no concurso e ganha uma visita grátis ao Museu do Futebol Clube do Porto e ao Estádio do Dragão*. A participação é simples: tens de fazer um like no nosso Facebook ( e postar uma fotografia tua que mostre a tua primeira impressão da cidade, algum detalhe ou monumento que tenha despertado a tua […]

Orientation Weeks@UFP – 2014-15

We welcome the new international students to University Fernando Pessoa! In order to ease your adaptation to the University and your stay in Porto, we prepared some activities that we hope you enjoy. We strongly encourage international students to attend the program, because it is a great opportunity to get to know the University, to […]